Welcome to the Gryphon's Aerie

This page is currently under construction, but it will contain all sorts of things in the future, including Amtgard links, photos, and other resources that are germane to my own interests. Please bear with me ! By the way, the animation below is one I created myself, using Rhino3d to model and render, and Paint Shop Pro Animator to animate.

Links to Amtgard sites, and others that interest me

The Amtgard Home Page
THE source for information and contacts about Amtgard
The Iron Mountains Home Page
Homepage for the Kingdom of Amtgard my shire is part of
The Garbers' Guild
Need I say more?
Amtgard Heraldry Guildpage
For the basic Amtgard heraldry
The Amtgard Warrior's Guild
Hmm....Pick up a sword and swing it.
Xeno's Home Page
A good buddy of mine in Amtgard runs this site.
The Amtgard Atlas
Wanna know about Amtgard near you ? Look here !
The Shire of the Far Woods
The website for the chapter of Amtgard in Memphis, Tn, my home town.
Additional resources, courtesy of Sir squeak!
( Plenty of excellent Amtgard Stuff )
Rules of Amtgard Heraldry
( Just what the name says )
The Griffon's Lair
A wonderful site about griffons with wonderful artwork [ and the artist is kinda cute, too ! ;-) ]
The Encyclopedia Mythica
The ultimate mythological database and search engine

Bio of Valandar the Red

   Valandar the Red of the Empty Tankard is my persona in Amtgard, a 
not-for-profit group, oriented towards safe, foam-padded, medeival
fun. It is a LARP, or Live Action Role Play game. It is also a social
organization, where we have a lot of fun.
   Anyway, Valandar the Red is the son of a Thief of the Guild, a
corrupt High Elf, and a Wood Elven slave of the Guild, who was used as
a plaything by the Guild. When she discovered she was pregnant, she
ran away, knowing that they would demand she kill the child.
Eventually, she bore Valandar, and, to save him, left him on the steps
of what she thought was a temple, then ran away into the snow.
   This 'Temple' turned out to be the Manor house of the Baron of 
Leidon, who gave the child to his head maid, whose own child had died
weeks before. The child, Valandar, grew up in the Manor house, a
commoner who was accepted in noble society; in fact, the Baroness
considered herself his adopted aunt. He was educated by the Seneschal,
and trained in battle by the Huntsmaster; he excelled in both. In
fact, the only field he outright failed in was tracking. He even 
mistook a wolverines tracks for those of a rabbit !
   He eventually went to Castleton, capital of the land of Meridan,
his homeland. There, he became a soldier. One day, in a battle
against enemy forces, he found himself in between the enemy lich and
the allied mage. The combination of magicks ripped reality asunder,
and Valandar woke up to find himself in Amtgard. Here, he seeks to
prove himself in all pursuits, and perhaps, one day, to return 

Further pages on My Thoughts

Press Here for my thoughts on Roleplaying:
Press Here for my personal rants and raves.:
Press Here for my Mekton stuff:
Press Here for Events in the Shire of the Far Woods:
And this sends you to my notes on Gryphons....:
...while this takes you to some...different...but G-rated...pic's.:
Here is one pic that I've done in Rhino3D...:
...and here's another.:
The spinning ship from our Alternity game...:
And a larger view, complete with thrust.:
This link takes you to a page with the various fanfics I have written.: