Disclaimer: The trolls in Great Britain at Games Workshop own Warhammer 40,000; I don't. I don't own the Ranma characters, either. The Emperor's Hand Chapter Twelve: Resolution Ranma fidgeted back and forth as he stood in the hall. The Solitaire had told him that the time would be right to leave in about another ten minutes, but even so short a wait seemed interminable to him. Not that he'd admit it, of course. After all, a true martial artist should have patience, shouldn't he? He didn't think Genma had ever said anything like that, but, to Ranma, a true martial artist should probably have at least a little of all the virtues, including patience. So he waited, and kept silent. The Solitaire suddenly turned to face the pigtailed martial artist. "It is time. Now, the Webway portal to the Timeless Heart can be opened. We have a short time to reach it, lest we become trapped in the maze of portals there for a year and a day." "Well, let's go! If we ain't got much time, then let's get it open, and on to the Timeless heart, whatever that is!" Ranma gathered up all his confidence, and watched as the Solitaire gestured, ripping open the fabric of time and space. Seeing nothing beyond but darkness, he would have leapt right through, but he was stopped by the Eldar. "You must place your hand on my shoulder, and not release it. Should we become separated, you will wander the Webway forever, unageing, and undying. It is not reality in there, but the Warp, stabilized only by the belief the Eldar race have in its existence." Ranma did as he was told, and the two stepped through the portal, which sealed behind him. Ardallan, Teldurin, and Eldaveril each felt the portal close. He had touched their lives, in a way, and they would miss him. In that moment, too, Dalhavadar, the Farseer, was gifted with a vision. In his mind's eye, the heart of his psychic powers, he saw himself as the high Farseer of Valdur Avendel, along with the High Farseers of Biel-Tan, Saim-Han, and Iyanden, and countless other Craftworlds, joining with the Humans in the final battle with Chaos. It was his experiences with the nobility and purity of Ranma that changed his own mind about that primitive race, and it would be he who would change the minds of the other Farseers. Together, the ancient powers and technology of the Eldar, combined with the boundless energy of Mankind, the two races could finally bring peace and prosperity to the galaxy. ********************************************** There was little peace at Furinkan High School. For every group of demons the Wrecking Crew managed to dispose of, another group came spilling out of the building. Tentacles snaked forth to distract the fighters at inopportune moments, and the toothy jaws that once were the main doors snapped and snarled at any who came near. A double-handed slash destroyed Akane's latest foe, a daemonette, as she turned to Ryouga. "We have to get in there! We have to stop whatever is bringing these things here!" "I know," he said, his combat umbrella parrying a bloodletter's hellblade. "Akane, Shampoo, Mousse, follow..." "Not yet," came a wizened yet strong voice behind them. They glanced in that direction, and saw Cologne, and the Shaman. "Akane, you and Mousse will remain outside with me; you are better at dealing with multiple attackers than a single foe. Ryouga and Shampoo, you will go with the Shaman inside, to close the gate that is letting these beasts into reality." "But..." began Akane. "Do not begin, child. This is the way it must be!" Cologne's cane lashed out, then side to side, destroying a pink horror, and the two blue horrors that spawned from it, before the creature could react. Now, do as you're told!" Ryouga needed no prodding. Reaching out, he snagged one of the tentacles writhing from the damaged school, and tugged as hard as he could. It ripped free from the mortar, prompting the hellish maw that was the main entrance to open wide in a deafening roar of pain. "Now!" he yelled, and the raiding party dashed in before it could close. Mousse glanced in, as he barely parried a hellblade. "Ugh... now, all we can do is hope, and fight." It was about then that the claw of a daemonette struck him down from behind. ********************************************** "I still do not understand what this is for," protested Kuno. "Shut up, and hand me the cement!" she snapped. She was standing in the Home Ec room, using her battle spatula to stir some sort of hellish mixture in a huge vat. Kuno did as he was told, and she poured the huge bag into the vat. Bubbles erupted, and she backed away, then continued stirring. "Is there aught else you would have me retrieve from across the hall?" he asked. "No, just wait outside, and lemme know when they get there." She heaved, and wrestled the huge cauldron onto one of the stovetops. She lit the gas range, and waited impatiently. Kuno stood guard, a resolute defender against the forces of evil. He looked from side to side, watching both ways down the hall. Soon, he caught sight of four evil shadows, looming from around the corner. He gripped his sword with both hands. "Hold, fiends! You shall not pass me to claim the beauteous Ukyou!" Hearing this proclamation, the okonomiyaki chef darted out of the room, and snatched him back inside. "No, you jackass, we want them to come in here!" "Heh, he, well, we are, Ucchan!" leered the former Hiroshi. "Good, have somethin' to eat!" she yelled. Heaving, she yanked Kuno behind her with one hand, and put her spatula below the vat, heaving. It dumped out, spewing its doughy contents all over the four possessed students. "What, trying to cook us," laughed the demon inhabiting Yuka. It reached forward, only to feel its arm slowly lock in place. "What... what have you done?" it roared. "Oh, a little of this, a little of that, a little okonomiyaki batter, a little quick-drying cement... that sort of thing," she smiled. "Ah, verily the truth of your plan becomes clear," boomed Kuno. "You sought to immobilize these demons, that we may give them a merciful death." >KLANG!< "Of course not, you idiot! I'm trapping them here so I can find some way to cure them!" she shouted. "Oh, look at the pretty redheads," mumbled the kendoist. Shaking his head, he said, "Ugh... but how do you intend to free your lost friends?" Dropping her spatula, her shoulders sagged. "I don't know, Kuno. I don't know." Picking himself up off the ground, he hefted his sword. "Though you have given these pause, countless more await our justice." Ukyou nodded. "Yes. But you go to the left, I'll go to the right. I don't want to spend any more time with you than I have to." "But, milady Ukyou, how can it be that a flower of maidenhood such as thou would not desire to spend as much time with me as..." >KLANG!< Without pause, Ukyou climbed past the immobilized demons, and off into the hallway. One bloodletter looked at another. "Mortals. I'll never understand them." ********************************************** Ryouga and Shampoo weren't exactly in the best of shape when they reached the Principal's office. Though they fought savagely, they had taken their share of lumps. Shampoo's left arm had been grazed by a hellblade, and it now hung limply at her side. The Shaman had reassured her that it would recover, but it didn't help her fighting skills any. In Ryouga's case, he was bruised and battered by the gripping claws of demonetizes they had encountered shortly before they reached the office. He felt them coming, but had not expected them to teleport through the wall. "The source of the evil is below here," said the ancient psyker. "Be prepared for the worst." Feeling around, he found a trap door, and opened it very carefully. A cloying, sickeningly sweet stench assailed them, carrying overtones of both corruption and seduction. "Phew, we hafta go in there?" whined Ryouga. "Why pig-boy complain? Pig-boy smell worse when he come back after long trips," sniped Shampoo. "Children we haven't the time. We must go below, immediately." Stated the Shaman. Nodding, the teenagers hopped down into the darkness. Ryouga couldn't help but try to get some of his own back, though, and quipped, "Y'know, it almost smells like your litter box, Shampoo." Shampoo growled to herself, but held her tongue. She'd get back at him for that one, soon enough. If they survived, that is. The room below was warped and twisted beyond any semblance of sanity. The walls were an organic tunnel, pulsing and throbbing to a keening rhythm that slowly ate away at the mind, and viscous fluids oozed across the fleshy floor. Every step was rewarded with a warm, wet squelch, and small creatures that may have once been rats darted across every now and then. "We are no longer fully within reality," said the Shaman. "We are in an area where realspace, and the Warp, overlap. The laws of things are slightly different here, and some of your techniques may not work as you imagine they would." "Which way to the thing we hafta fight?" asked the Lost Boy. "Shampoo think it that way," she said pointing. "And what makes you so sure?" asked Ryouga. He then followed her outstretched arm, and saw why. The creatures that barred their way were, in their own way, even more horrific than the demons above. Their lower bodies were stalk-like trunks, constantly spewing forth a sickening stench to keep them aloft, and their heads were eyeless, hook-like beaks. They did have arms, but no hands, as their forearms ended in gaping, toothy maws. "Damn. Flamers of Tzeentch," muttered the psyker. They readied their weapons, and Ryouga asked, "Why are they called that?" As if in response to his question, one of the flamers held out both arms, and flames shot out from the mouths at the end. "Shampoo think that why, Pig-boy. HYAAAH!" she cried, and dove headlong into the mass of creatures. Ryouga opened his umbrella, and let his chi flow into it. "Stop hogging the glory!" he yelled, and followed her, plowing right through the front rank, scattering them like tenpins while using his umbrella to shield himself from the flames. Rising off the ground in an aura of a thousand shimmering colors, the Shaman merely watched, and dodged the occasional blast of flame. "I hope they live long enough to fight the beast at the heart of this mess," he muttered. It took less than two minutes for the hall to clear of the odd beasts. Ryouga's umbrella was scorched black, and had begun to writhe in his grasp. "Hey, what the heck's going on?" "The flames of Tzeentch mutate that which they do not destroy," came his answer. Alighting near the Lost Boy, he let a tendril of his power snake out, and purified Ryouga's weapon. "There. Now, beware, the source is beyond that aperture." Before them lay what looked like a sphincter of some kind, holding shut the living walls of this tunnel. Every few seconds, it would relax a little, opening slightly, but not enough for them to fit, not even in their animal forms. "Y'know," said Ryouga, "this place is getting pretty disgusting. I'm filthy, covered in slime... I nearly lost my umbrella... Akane is stuck outside with who knows how many demons... Akane! SHI SHI HOKODAN!" Even Shampoo, who had seen him use this attack before, was shocked at the size of the blast. Around the edges, she thought she saw bizarre tendrils writhe, and braid themselves into the fabric of his chi blast. When it impacted the living door, it ripped through like a jackhammer. "Whoa," said Ryouga, "how'd it get that strong? I wasn't even really that depressed, just angry!" "Anger, too, is a part of your attack," said the Shaman. "In here, with the wrath of the chaos god, Khorne, so close, your chi attack drew with it elements of his thought-forms. Beware of using that in here, for the more you draw on his thought-forms, the more you call his power to you." Shampoo reached up, and rubbed her numb shoulder. True to the ancient young man's words, feeling was beginning to return, but brought with it the pins and needles sensation one would expect. "We go on, and stop this!" Without waiting, she hopped through the devastated portal. "Arrgh! Jeez, Shampoo, wait for us!" yelled Ryouga, and he followed suit, accompanied by the Shaman. ********************************************** Akane had seen Mousse fall, and rushed over to him. An almost negligent slash of the Chinese broadsword she carried took care of the daemonette that had struck him, and she swung the blade in a wide arc, to buy her a little time to help him. "Mousse, are you alright?" The Chinese boy shook his head a little, then glanced up in her general direction. He squinted, then sighed. "I can fight no longer," he said. "It's gone. The blow robbed me of the last of my sight." Cologne fought her way to them easily. "Boy, stay down. We must get you back to safety." Mousse picked himself up. "Why bother, you old monkey," he said with a hint of humor. "To the Amazons, I am worse than useless, now." A hand on his head forced him to a kneeling position, as Akane swung wide to decapitate a bloodletter. "I am a warrior who cannot see to fight, not even as pitifully as I did before." "Don't say that Mousse!" yelled Akane, ducking a hellblade. "No one is useless, except maybe Kuno!" "Tell me, are all the students gone?" he asked, an odd, peaceful smile on his face. "Yes, why?" answered the youngest Tendou. "I wanted to know. Please, do not try to stop me." He leapt in the general direction of the school, and flung his arms out wide. Chains of every description lashed out of his robes, flailing about blindly, but with the fury of a thunderstorm. "Hidden Weapons Final Attack! Steel Hurricane!" "What is he doing?" yelled Akane. Cologne watched, and nodded. "He is doing what he can as his last act in life. He is lashing out at anything that enters his zanshen, and striking it down. He spares no thought for defense, only destruction. We must remain on the fringes of the fight, now, until he has finally fallen, lest we be struck down, as well." "You mean he's gone berserk? If he feels anything, he's killing it?" "Yes. And, blind as he is now, he cannot avoid their blows much longer. A scant few will reach him, but they will be enough." Cologne sighed. "One touch of a hellblade to his head or chest, and Mu Tsu shall be dead forever." "No! Even though he tried to turn me into a duck, he doesn't deserve that! We have to help him!" The wizened matriarch looked at her, striking out with her cane at a bloodletter that thought she was easy prey. "Even I cannot enter his presence unscathed, and to remain there more than a few heartbeats is death. It is the most dangerous technique of the Hidden Weapons school, and can only be used when one is alone, surrounded by an uncountable number of enemies. Perchance, do you have some means of avoiding those chains I am unaware of?" Akane frowned, striking out with a massive kick, splitting a pink horror into two blue horrors, who were knocked by the force of impact into the hemisphere of lashing chains, and rapidly destroyed. "Will he make it if they can close the gate in time?" "I do not know child. He may be so far gone, that he has entered a death trance. If that is so, only his death may end his fury. Come, the fiends seek to escape the school grounds over there, we must stop them!" ********************************************** Ranma had walked the Webway within Valdur-Avendel before, and had ridden the paths off the Craftworld while in a Wave Serpent. However, this was the first time he had actually walked the Webway on his own two feet, away from the Craftworld. Unlike his experiences in the Wave Serpent, he saw absolutely nothing except the Solitaire beside him. The journey was over in a moment, although at times it felt like he had been in there his entire life. Memories flashed, doubly strong, and for a moment, he shifted back and forth from male to female, before returning to male form. Shortly, they stood before a hole in space and time. "Um, what's this?" he asked. "Bad news. Some force of Chaos has ripped the veil between reality and the warp, a tear that blocks our journey. I would have taken you to the moment you left, but we can go no further. We must travel through the rift, and end it, before you can be where you need to be." "Okay, whatever you say." Together, the two leapt through the hole in space and time. ********************************************** Ukyou raced through the halls of the school, her combat spatula tracing a deadly arc ahead of her. Despite her best efforts, her side was torn and bleeding, thanks to the claws of a pair of blue horrors that had caught her unawares. Her adrenaline was pumping, though, and she didn't have time to bind her wounds. After a few minutes of running, she found herself outside the open door of the principal's office. Smelling something foul, she decided to enter. After all, there had to be something in there she'd have to destroy. She hopped in, and swung her spatula full circle to clear anything out of her way. Glancing, she saw the outer office was clear, and crept into the inner office. She was met by a growling, snarling face, reminiscent of a wolf or dog, but hairless, and covered in blood-red skin. A finned wattle arced back from around its neck, covering its breast, and a spiked iron collar encircled its neck. The canine body behind was the size of a pony, but low-slung, and each paw ended in four, six-inch talons. It growled low in its throat, and pounced. The okonomiyaki chef managed to get her weapon in the way in time, but her weakened side betrayed her. Spinning to the ground, she felt the thing's hot breath on her face. It opened its mouth in a hideous parody of a grin, drooling acidic slime on one of her throwing spatulas. Its eyes gleamed bright green as its whuffing laughter met her ears, and it opened its jaws wider than her head. It slowly lowered its face, as she struggled unsuccessfully to dislodge the huge hound. Its head suddenly jerked up, and howled in agony. It hopped away, ichor streaming from its side. Ukyou glanced over to see Kuno standing over her, his katana at the ready. "Fear not, milady, I suspected you might find yourself in such danger, and did follow thee." She picked herself off the ground, and dropped to a knee, pointing the sharpened front edge of her battle spatula at the beast. "This is probably the only time I'll ever say 'thanks' to you, but thanks." She saw the thing crouch, and readied herself. Praying that the kendoist would get the hint, she caught it on the underside, and used its own momentum to throw it over her. A flash of steel, and a thousand sparks told her he understood, but his blade had hit its collar. Fortunately, he had hit it hard enough to knock it aside, and had pressed his attack. The thing was fast, but too large to effectively dodge in the small office. Seeing an opportunity, she tossed the spatula the beast's own saliva had dripped on, striking it in the eye. "The right side, Kuno, it's blind there now!" Nodding briefly, Kuno lashed out, striking with repeated thrusts to the beast's head. Thirty strokes, and three seconds later, and it finally fell, bleeding ichor from dozens of wounds before it faded back to the hell that spawned it. "And now I must proffer my own thanks, milady. Thy weapon, befouled though it was, provided the opportunity for my prowess to win the day!" proclaimed the still mildly deranged kendoist. "Shut up, and follow me. I think we have to go down here," she said, and dropped down the trap door. Pausing momentarily to ensure nothing was following them, Kuno jumped in, as well. ********************************************** As Shampoo, Ryouga, and the Shaman passed through the destroyed aperture, they were greeted by the sight of a huge chamber. It was draped in luxurious silks, and enormous mosaics covered the walls, ceilings, and floors. At the center sat a large, gem encrusted throne, upon which sat a hideous monstrosity. It was almost twenty feet tall, and was relatively humanoid. However, its long neck was topped with a featherless vulture's head, and its arms and legs ended in the talons of a bird of prey. Huge, multicolored wings sprouted from its back, as a contrast to the pale blue of its skin. Around its waist, a beautiful tapestry served as a kilt, and rings, armlets, and amulets dangled from its extremities. In one hand it held a thirty foot long staff, while the other caressed a bust of Principal Kuno. "Welcome, humansss, to the heart of my power. It isss here that you ssshall perisssh!" it crooned. It gestured with the hand that rested on the bust of the principal, and the heroes saw, behind it, a swirling mass of darkness and light, boiling with infinite corruption. "A Changer of Ways. Tzeentch must have a great deal invested in this plan to have you present for its execution," said the Shaman. "So? It's just bigger, that's all," said Ryouga. Shouting "Kiai!", he leapt at it, umbrella poised to strike. "Ryouga, no!" yelled the ancient psyker, but it was too late. The great demon gestured, and a bolt of green energy lanced out, impacting with the lost boy, and sending him across the room. He impacted with a particularly horrific mosaic, and crumpled to the ground. With effort, Ryouga picked himself back up. "Wha... what was that?" he wheezed. "I tried to warn you," said the Shaman. "The Greater Demons of Tzeentch are master sorcerers." "Ssso true," hissed the demon. "And, now, you will all die." Its hands rose, and dark tendrils of energy writhed around its foretalons, entwining with bright red flames. "I don't think so," called out a familiar voice. Distracted, the demon released its spell, and spun, to see two figures leaping out of the warp gate. One was a veritable riot of color, although the bandannas around its head and thigh were jet black. The other was a young man, in a red Chinese shirt and black pants, his dark hair pulled back in a pigtail, and his blue eyes flashing. "Airen!" shouted Shampoo, smiling broadly. "Ranma?" groaned Ryouga, holding the blackened burn mark on his chest. "That's right...er, whatever you are. You ain't gonna hurt my friends!" Ranma took up a stance next to the Solitaire, who adopted a similar stance. "Ah, but warrior, there isss little you have to sssay in the matter." Its beak deformed into a hideous semblance of a smile. "Now, you die," is shrieked, as a sphere of utter darkness engulfed the two newcomers. ********************************************** Cologne finished off the last of the stragglers on the outside, and looked to the boy who wished to be her granson- in-law. Demons still strove to enter the reach of his chains, but they were not repulsed as easily as before. He had already been struck by several, including a bloodletter, whose hellblade had deadened his left leg. Soon, he would be overwhelmed. Akane rushed over to just outside his reach, and cut down a pink horror, and the resulting two blue horrors. "There has to be something we can do to help him!" she yelled. "We cannot. We can only hope that they shut down the portal before anything more dire..." She abruptly broke off, and almost idly swatted a daemonette away. "He has returned," she said. "Ranma?" asked Akane, hopefully. Cologne only nodded. ********************************************** Ukyou and Kuno raced through the living hallway, and saw the carnage wrought on the walls by the earlier fight. Following the scorchmarks, and other signs of battle, they reached the entryway to the grand hall. Looking in, they had just enough time to see the great demon cast its spell at Ranma. "RANCHAN!" cried out the okonomiyaki chef. Inside the darkness, the Solitaire sought with all his strength to maintain his center. The spell that had been used against them was one that fed on the victim's own fears, and strengthened them, until one was completely overwhelmed. He then lost respect for his human companion, as he felt the terror well from deep within the boy. "Alright," shouted Ryouga, "nobody kills Ranma but me! SHI SHI HOKODAN!" As before, his anger added new elements to the chi blast, as the stray thought-forms of Khorne were incorporated into it. The energy shattered the very air around it as it raced to the demon, and pulsed as it flew. The Changer of Ways noticed it, and held up a hand to cast a shielding spell, but the blast pierced right through it, slowed down but not stopped. It was enough, though, and the demons concentration was shattered, along with his spell. Ranma, meanwhile, could not keep the fear at bay. Sharp teeth, sharper claws, and wicked eyes attacked him from every corner of his mind. Soft fur belied the evil intent within, and he was once again six years old. They gnawed at his brain and body, the sickening smell of raw fish and a hint of blood assailed his nose. He sunk deeper and deeper into the fear, and was lost. "Pathetic foolsss, how do you hope to ssstop a demon older than your entire world?" hissed the great demon. It pointed one gnarled claw at the Lost Boy, and the blue lightning once more flashed out at him. This time, though, it was blocked by the umbrella, and deflected to the side. "MmmmmMMMMMREEOOOWWW!" Ryouga, Shampoo, and Ukyou shuddered when they heard the telltale sound of the Neko-ken claiming Ranma. The Solitaire, Kuno and the demon were momentarily confused, and the Shaman ignored it. He had other matters to worry about, and began to slowly force the rift to contract. He could not assist in the battle, and could only hope that this new development would help them, and not hinder them. Neko-Ranma leapt at the demon, twisting in mid-air to avoid a bolt of power, and landed on the things chest. Pawing at its blue flesh, claws of pure chi ripped nasty gashes across it, until id dropped from shock. Unfortunately, it managed to get one talon hooked onto the boy's belt, and tossed him across the room. "A ssshape-changer? How appropriate." It clicked its claws like a man snaps his fingers, and male Ranma was suddenly female Ranma. As usual, the shock of the transformation snapped him out of his feral state. The Solitaire, meanwhile, raise his own shuriken pistol, and snapped off several shots. Every single one merely bounced off the creature's supernatural skin. Irritated, he holstered the weapon, and snapped a large, tubular weapon onto the back of one arm. Watching as his erstwhile allies moved into position, he also drew a small sword hilt, and a meter-long beam of energy crackled into place. Ukyou grabbed her battle spatula in a low-handed grip, and charged. She thrust forward with the sharpened forward edge, and half expected the weapon to merely glance off the demon. To her shock, it bit deep into the creature's thigh, and it roared in pain. "Whaddya know," she marveled. "Grampa wasn't kidding - it _is_ a Masamune!" "Don't get distracted now!" yelled Ranma. "Kiai!" he yelled, hurling his confidence forth as his familiar Mokou Takabisha. "Exactly!" yelled the Shaman. "You must defeat the Changer of Ways, so I can close the gate!" He was surrounded by an aura of a thousand shimmering colors, as was the rift in time and space. Slowly, as sweat broke out on his brow, it began to shrink. Kuno stepped forward, taking position between Ukyou and Ryouga. "Fear not. My family blade is famed throughout the land as a demon slayer. Surely, one stroke from this noble sword shall prove the beast's doom!" Leaping forward, he swung his blade in a powerful arc, to end upon the top of the demon's head. The creature glanced up briefly, then laughed. "Foolisssh mortal, that blade doesss not even have the resssidual magic of the girl'sss ssspatula! Lesser fiendsss may be vulnerable to itsss edge, but I am not!" A negligent wave of its staff, and the kendoist was sent flying by a violet bolt of power. As it laughed, it failed to notice the purple-haired amazon creeping around to the side with the bust. Without a single battle cry or shout, she leaped, silent as a cat. Her bonbori were left behind, and her fists lashed out into its side. She was rewarded with a roar of pain, and a huge talon crashing into her back. "Two of you have fallen before me! Only five remain! Sssoon, you ssshall all die!" It reached out, and snatched the bounding Solitaire, right through the illusionary fog of his holo-field. Squeezing tight, he tossed the Eldar across the room, into the unconscious form of Kuno Tatewaki. However, the Solitaire was wearing his flip belt, as well, and was able to roll with the impact. He staggered to his feet, and readied his weapons once more. "Just a little... more... time," grunted the Shaman. "The rift is almost closed, and then I can aid you!" Ryouga glanced at Ranma, and caught his rival's attention. They nodded, and took to the air at the same time. The pigtailed martial artist impacted the things shoulder with a Shooting Star Kick, even as Ryouga landed between the fiend's legs, and used the Bakusai Tenketsu right between its feet. The combination of the impact, and the lack of a floor, caused it to stumble forward, landing right at the feet of the Shaman. "Foolisssh mortalsss! You may defeat me, but I can alwaysss return! Without your puny ssshaman, there isss no one to maintain the field!" It stretched its neck, and snapped up the ancient psyker by his waist. "NO!" yelled Ukyou, and lashed out with her Spatula at the thing's neck. She hit it with the dull side, snapping the thing's huge, vulture like head to one side, and freeing the Shaman. Ranma saw the thing's claw move before Ukyou did, and raced across the room, knocking her aside in time, only to take the brunt of the impact. He skidded across the floor, and left a small crater in the mosaic that encrusted the wall. "One by one, you fall," hissed the demon, as it used its staff to right itself. "Are there any more who wisssh to die?" The Shaman could not answer. Half of his mind was busy trying to close the gate, while the other was struggling to keep his shattered body alive. Neither task was easy, and he was nearing the end of his power. He hoped that he could finish what must be done in time. "Shut up!" shouted Ryouga. Swinging his umbrella in a wide arc, he filled it with all the chi he could, and plowed into the fiend's torso. The impact shuddered throughout the room, and rattled the lost boy's teeth, even as he knocked the thing over. Ranma groaned, and pulled himself out of the wall. He glanced over, and saw the Solitaire motionless, covered in an aura similar to the Shaman's, but comprised out of primarily black, reds, and yellows. The aura seemed to flow along the floor, past the demon, and braid itself around and through the Shaman's, strengthening it as it slowly compressed the rift. Ryouga whaled over and over again on the chest of the creature, and slowly began to raise welts with every impact. His feral grin grew as his chi-charged weapon, and he felt himself begin to lose his self control. To the horror of the others, they saw the lost boy's skin begin to redden slightly. His hair began to wind around itself into a pair of horns, and his legs began to grow another set of knees. "No!" yelled the Solitaire. "Don't give in to the rage so close to Chaos! You will doom us all!" It was enough to give Ryouga pause. He hopped back, and discarded his umbrella. It was horribly misshapen from the force of his own blows, despite being reinforced by his chi. Ukyou immediately jumped over his head, and landed, spatula edge first. It ducked its incredibly flexible neck, and rammed her in the gut with its stone-hard beak. She screamed from the pain as the impact caused her wounds to tear open even further. She crumpled to the ground, barely able to move. "You have hurt me, mortalsss! For sssuch impertinenssse, you ssshall all die in the mossst painful waysss imaginable!" It once more stood, and faced the four remaining fighters. "Let it begin!" Ranma growled. "You're dead! You've hurt my friends! And no demon gets away with that!" He raced forward, and jumped up to unleash a hailstorm of punches at Amaguriken speed. Every third punch landed on the creatures head or neck, and he soon forced it back to the rapidly closing gate. Ryouga glanced at the Shaman, who nodded. "Ranma, move!" he yelled. Seeing the pigtailed martial artist dive to the left, he thought of Akane, alone, outside the school, surrounded by demons... "Shi shi Hokodan!" The lance of energy, still spiraled with the dark energies of his rage, ripped through the air until it impacted with the Changer of Ways. It howled, and tried to gain a grasp on the floor, walls, and ceiling, anything to hold its ground. The force of the chi bolt slowly pushed it back, until it was partly passing through the gate to the Warp. A silent signal passed from the Solitaire to the Shaman, and they redoubled their efforts. Before the demon could wrench itself fully back into reality, they slammed the gate shut, in a silent noise that deafened the mind. ********************************************** The chains whipped slowly across the field, as the demons realized their foe was horribly weakened. The blind Chinese boy was on his last legs, and had lasted this long by sheer willpower alone. "Haw," said one bloodletter, "time to play with the little duckyboy!" "Idiot," muttered Mousse, using a large amount of the strength he had left to impale the demon who had just spoken on a spearshaft. His endurance was spent, and his chi nearly exhausted. He could no longer maintain his Steel Hurricane, and he would now fall before the remaining demons. He tried to draw a dagger, to kill himself so the demons could not destroy his soul, and passed out. Akane and Cologne saw this, and rushed to him. Demons flew out of their way, not entirely under their own power. By the time they reached his side, he had already been savaged by a pair of blue horrors, and a daemonette, and looked horrible. Nodding to each other grimly, they took up positions back to back, to stand guard over their fallen comrade. As the demons closed in, a shockwave seemed to erupt soundlessly from the school. As it rippled outward, every demon it encountered howled, and imploded, vanishing back to the infinite chaos of the Warp. Eventually, the two woman warriors stood alone, and could stop to tend to Mousse. Cologne was relieved to see that most of his injuries seemed to be superficial muscle damage. None of the claw marks seemed to have penetrated into any internal organs, and several months of Amazon medicine would bring him back up to speed. "Don't worry. He'll make it," she said, quickly using strips torn from the bottom hem of both his robe, and her own, to bind his worst injuries. "But what about his sight?" asked the youngest Tendou. "I don't know, child," answered the aged matriarch. "I do not know." ********************************************** As the gate slammed shut, ripples echoed forth from the spot it once occupied. Reality twisted in agony, and the walls crumbled away into nothingness. Everything seemed to wink out for a moment, then reality exploded back into existence. They were in a simple room, with the bust of Principle Kuno resting on a small pedestal, with a tatami in front of it. The Solitaire dropped to his knees, grateful that his mask his how greatly he had been affected by the strain of closing the gate. He looked over at the two human martial artists that remained standing. Naturally, one was Anial Gorwydd, while the other seemed to have remnants of the Chaos taint he nearly engendered in his rage. At least, the boy's fangs were larger than any other human's he had seen, other than a member of the Space Wolves Marine Chapter. Struggling to stand again, he walked over to them. "Congratulations, the both of you. Few there are who can say that they survived in close combat with a greater demon." "Save your congrats," growled Ranma, "we have to help the others!" The Shaman stirred. "Solitaire, lend me your strength." He reached out his hand toward the Eldar, but was scanning the room, and looking at the fallen Ukyou, Kuno, and Shampoo. The Harlequin nodded, and began to glow with his own, special psychic aura. The energy flowed out from him into the Shaman, who reached out, and let it flow through the fallen fighters. Slowly, the worst of their injuries closed, but they would still take a while to fully recover. One by one, each of them groggily regained consciousness. Ukyou's eyes locked on to the ancient psyker's. *Kuonji Ukyou, only you can hear me.* *Wh-what's... umm... going... on?* *You could see the manifestation as strongly as Akane. But your love for him is not as strong as you think it is,* he answered in her mind. *But, then... why?* He closed his eyes briefly, then opened them with great effort. *Because you are descended from me.* Ukyou's jaw opened and closed. *You're my great - however many great-grandfather ?* Nodding, the Shaman continued. *And my heir.* *WHAT?* *I am dying. When the creature grabbed me, I was unprepared, and something deep inside has ruptured. I have not the strength to repair it, and will soon leave this Earth.* *But,* she started, *what did you mean by heir?* His eyes bored into her soul, and she felt an indescribable rush. *Into your hands, I commend my power.* She blacked out for half a second, as she felt the very fabric of the universe come under her mental control. Along with the power, however, came memories, ancient ones, and the knowledge of how to control her power. Soon, she was back to herself, but she also knew that she would never be the same. Ryouga went to help Shampoo, then helped the amazon pull the kendoist out of the wall. Ranma, on the other hand, helped the okonomiyaki seller get to her feet. "Ya okay, Ucchan?" he asked. "Y-yeah. I can't really explain what just happened. But the Shaman, he's dying!" she said. "Who's the Shaman?" he asked. "He is!" she yelled, pointing. The Solitaire staggered over, and examined the fallen psyker. "No, he is not," said the Eldar. "What do you mean?" she asked. The Solitaire remained impassive. "oh..." she muttered. As the martial artists forced open the trap door above, Ukyou tried to figure out how to carry the Shaman back up to the ground level of the school. Before she could stop it, she had begun to glow, and the body of the Shaman was lined in a thousand shimmering colors, echoed with a deep blue streak. He gently rose up from the floor, and drifted through the opening. After only a few seconds, all of the warriors had made it back to the office. Ukyou realized something, then slapped her forehead. "Waitaminute, guys, we still have a problem!" Quickly, she told them about Hiroshi, Daisuke, Sayuri, and Yuka. The Soltaire's mask frowned, echoing his emotion. "If they have, indeed, been possessed, then the demons would remain, despite the loss of the gate." "Possessed?" asked Ranma. "I have an idea..." ********************************************** Akane cradled Mousse as she carried him inside. Cologne followed her to the Nurse's Office, where she could find further medical supplies. "Child, you may set him down." "Okay. Um, do you mind if I try to find him?" The matriarch looked up. "Go to him, child." Nodding briefly, the youngest Tendo dashed off, as Cologne began to use the tools now at her disposal. As she raced down the hall, she screeched to a halt outside the Home Ec room. There, she saw Ranma, Ryouga, and the rest, all gathered around four demons, with the demons encased in concrete. "Ranma!" she cried, and almost ran to him, but she caught herself. "How did you get back?" He pointed a thumb at the Solitaire behind him. "This guy helped me find my way back. Anyway, Akane, I'd like you to meet Hiroshi, Daisuke, Sayuka, and Yuri. Guys, this is Tendou Akane." "Yeah, right. Hey, cutie, toast these dudes and free us, and we promise we won't kill you!" snarled the second one from the left. "To borrow a phrase, oh my! Should I go get Cologne?" she asked. Ryouga shook his head. "Not yet. Ranma says he has an idea." Nodding Ranma looked at her. "Remember about six months ago, when that Kumon Ryu guy and I fought, an' I used some of Pop's Forbidden Techniques?" Akane's mind boggled. "Six months? Ranma, that was only four weeks ago!" He shrugged. "Well, I guess I haven't been away as long as I thought. Anyway, one of Pop's techniques might take care of this. Stand back, and be ready to fight." "Hey, come on, free us!" whined the leftmost bloodletter. Ranma ignored it, and simply took up a Snake stance. His hands were cupped downward, and one foot was raised, to rest on his knee. "White Snake Venom Reliable Fist!" he shouted, repeatedly striking the possessed boy down each side of his chest and thigh at amaguriken speeds. For a split second, the thing's back bulged, before the demon was explosively ejected from Daisuke's body. "What the...?" said Ryouga, before tossing a headband at the thing to disarm it. A quick strike from a battle spatula, and it left this reality. One by one, Ranma used this technique on each of the possessed teenagers. Finally, they were free. Or, as free as someone can get while covered in cement mixed with okonomiyaki batter Ukyou looked around the room. No one knew what had just happened to her, or so she thought. That was until she saw Shampoo's eyes. Another glance, and she knew that the Solitaire knew. What was she to do? The Solitaire interrupted her angst-filled thoughts. "Come. We must bring the Shaman's body to this 'Cologne' you mentioned. He must be mourned." Slowly, after scraping the cement off of the four non- martial artists, they trudged to the Nurse's office. The school was safe, and Ranma was back... but there were a lot of answers that had not come. EPILOGUE Time is a funny thing. The paradox that culminated in the death of the Emperor, before he ever became the Emperor, caused a rupture in time. This rupture solidified into a new timeline, one with Kuonji Ukyou as the Empress of an Empire of Humanity that, from the start, allied itself with the slowly fading Eldar. The previous reality, with an Emperor forever trapped in his Golden Throne, continued, and Man and Eldar slowy grew together, barely in time to prevent the final push of Chaos. In the meantime, Mousse eventually recovered from his wounds, but never regained his sight. With the help of Cologne, he learned how to use his Zanshen, or chi awareness, to get around, but was a warrior no longer. Instead, he became a teacher. In time, he and Shampoo grew estranged. He married a loving healer, while she married a travelling boxer, and strengthened her family line. Two events concerning Akane and Ranma would occur within days of his return, however, that would change their lives forever. They happened within days of each other. It was a cool morning, and breakfast at the Tendou Dojo was interrupted by the sharp rapping of a cane upon the wooden gate. As usual, Kasumi went to get it, and came back in leading Cologne. Akane, at the sight, stood, and bowed briefly. "Um, hello, Cologne. How's Mousse?" "Better, child," was her answer. "Now, kneel." Confused, Akane did as she was asked. Before anyone could react, Cologne had reached up, and kissed Akane on the forehead. "Huh?" said Ranma. "That wasn't a kiss o' death, or a kiss o' marriage... what was it?" "No. It was a kiss of adoption." The room erupted into murmurs, and a few 'growfs'. "What do you mean, adoption?" asked Nabiki. "It means that she is now a Chinese Amazon. She fought at my back, and trusted me to fight there, despite my previous actions against her. Her courage and trust are exemplary." Cologne bowed slightly to her. "And, my daughter has no living mother." Ranma glared at her, eyes narrowed. "Does that mean you ain't gonna keep pushin' Shampoo at me?" "Yes - but on one condition. At least one month of every year she, and her husband, must come to the Amazon village for training, and to assist in training the next generation" Cologne fixed him with a glare. "And that will be the last outsider I train, if you understand me, Son-in-law." "Waitaminute,' he protested, "I thought you said you weren't gonna push Shampoo on me anymore!" "I am not. However, you have defeated Akane in battle, have you not?" "Uhh...uh...uh..." "I thought so. I will be seeing you later, Daughter, Son-in-law. I must tend to Mousse." She walked out of the room with a slow, dignified step, as opposed to her usual pogo step. "Oh, my," said the three Tendou sisters at once. The next major incident came a short while later. I cannot describe the meeting, for that is the tale of another day, but Ranma took as his student the Laughing God. From his techniques began the fighting style of the Harlequins, a style that replaced the previous, less effective dance. Eventually, all doors will open, and all doors will close. But the journey through the halls of Time will never end. NOTE: The White Snake Venom Reliable Fist is a technique of Genma Saotome's Forbidden Techniques. It is used by Genma against Ranma when training him, and against Ryu by Ranma later. It involves poking several shiatsu spots down the chest and thigh. The overall effect causes the victim's own Chi to explode out their back. I felt it was an appropriate exorcism technique. At long last, it's over.